Friday, January 9, 2015

Bulbrite LED/MINISTRYDE/S miniStryde LED Desk Lamp, Silver Reviews

Bulbrite LED/MINISTRYDE/S miniStryde LED Desk Lamp, Silver
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $198.00
Sale Price: $97.00
Today's Bonus: 51% Off
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For me, this lamp is perfect in just about every way as a desk lamp. The height is just right, moves every way needed to direct the light right where you need it, the light output is just right for reading/working, and the light is focussed one direction and doesn't scatter all over the room. I don't think I'd ever pay full price for this light, and was lucky enough to buy ours for less than $50.

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This lamp is just right, not bulky, focused, looks great and puts out the right light for the laptop or reading for extended periods of time. It does not scatter or backblast light, puts it just where you point it and this makes working for long periods very easy on the eyes. If you get this one on sale, grab it.

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